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Firefly Preservation Consulting was established in 2011 to provide preservation services to individuals, communities, organizations, museums, and historic sites.  Specializing in research, documentation, condition assessment, and interpretation, Firefly will provide creative, professional planning to bring history, structures, and landscapes to life.


Firefly's methodology involves primary source research, community and stakeholder input, oral history interviews, and individual assessment to provide thorough historical information, skilled preservation assessments, and clear recommendations for future use and interpretation according to the client's goals.


Cheri LaFlamme Szcodronski is the founding principal of Firefly Preservation Consulting. Firefly's goal is help communities identify and preserve their historic resources, from high-style homes to gritty agricultural landscapes, and to foster community camaraderie around a shared sense of place.


She worked at the Center for Historic Preservation in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where she completed projects with communities across Tennessee and northern Alabama, and also as the Executive Director at Preservation Chapel Hill, providing preservation services to the Chapel Hill-Carrboro communities in North Carolina. She has a Bachelor of Science in Biology - Ecology from Clarion University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Arts - Public History/Historic Preservation from Middle Tennessee State University.


Meets Professional Qualifications Standards of the Secretary of the Interior's Archaeology and Historic Preservation Standards and Guidelines in History and Architectural History


Qualified Consultant with State Historic Preservation Offices in North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Illinois


Member & Volunteer, Michigan Historic Preservation Network

Member, Preservation North Carolina, Professional Associates Network

Member, National Trust for Historic Preservation

Member, American Association for State and Local History

Member, Society of Architectural Historians

Co-Chair, National Council on Public History Consultants Committee

Member, Vernacular Architecture Forum


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